A home is the most significant financial asset many families will ever have. HCCC coordinates the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska’s Down Payment Assistance (DPA) program which has helped more than 70 Winnebago Tribal members purchase homes on the reservation over the past decade.
The Down Payment Assistance Fund was started in 2010 with a $1 Million Dollar seed from the Winnebago Tribal Council to provide tribal members funds for home purchases on the Winnebago Reservation. The fund has since been supplemented by the annual dividend from wholly owned tribal corporation, Ho Chunk Inc., a percentage of the Winnebago tribal fuel tax, and further from housing grants acquired by Ho Chunk Community Development Corporation.
The eligibility for Down payment assistance consists of applicants being pre-approved by their lender and an enrolled Winnebago Tribal member. Applicants must also build new or purchase a pre-existing home on the Winnebago Indian Reservation. The award limits are $65,000 for new construction and $5,000 towards a pre-existing home. We coordinate with Ho-Chunk Capital to link homebuyers with lots and builders on the reservation.
The Down Payment Assistance is a (5) year forgivable loan with a lien on the title and will be amortized equally for 60 months until expiration, at such time a release will be filed For more information contact Tony Wood.
Homeowner Assistance Program
Did the Pandemic cause your home ownership to suffer a financial hardship?
Are you a Winnebago Homeowner who is…
• Behind on your Mortgage?
• Real Estate Taxes Past Due?
• Looking to Refinance?
The Homeowner Assistance Program is available for enrolled Winnebago Tribal members ONLY through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds awarded to the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska. Participation in the Homeowner Assistance Program is open to on and off the Winnebago Reservation.
Through a (MOU) Memorandum of Understanding, Ho Chunk Community Capital will be administrating the Tribal Member Homeowner Assistance Program for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska.
All applicants must meet eligibility requirements and submit documentation as proof:

For more information contact Tony Wood at: twood@hochunkcdfi.org